Posts tagged one on one
How to Have a Better One on One (Part 1)

One on One’s (1o1) are the core mechanic to people management.  You can pulse your team, understand where they are, what challenges they’re facing and exchange critical information in a dedicated, recurring setting.  Done well they mitigate or outright prevent crises and allow you to understand and motivate your team.

How do we have better One on Ones? Let’s get intentional. Let’s talk about what works and why it works—and why it doesn’t work.

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Why to Have One on Ones

One on One’s are a critical component of people management—both up and down.  They’re the touchpoint with your reports and with your manager.  They should be a central pillar for information transfer, coaching, utilization & capacity understanding, humanizing yourself and, critically, getting in front of things before it blows up and turns into turd pie.

In other words, One on One’s are the core mechanism for people management.

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